
As promised, here’s a little of what went before my Rainbow Snippet of yesterday–poor Carl’s trolling for his supper–

“You cold, mister?  Where’s your coat?”

Startled, Carl turned his head.  A young girl was looking up at him.  She looked to be no more than seventeen.  Her dirty blonde hair hung about her face, and her threadbare jacket was ripped in places, showing the puffy lining.   He smiled.

“No, I’m not cold, dear.”  He looked closer.  “What are you doing out this early?”

“Oh, I’m outdoors for awhile, just until my mom gets her shit together and I can go back, those foster homes are crap, you know?”  She got a sly look in her eyes, one that Carl had seen many times before.   “Say, you got any spare cash you could give me, you know, just until I can get somethin’ together?  I–I’d be willing to, you know, treat you right, mister.”  She put her hand on Carl’s arm and he grasped her wrist, stopping her from going further.  That was to be for Craig and no one else, not even his victims.

“That sounds delightful, sweetheart.  Perhaps we could keep each other warm.”  He usually pleasured them, heating their blood, but he had lost all desire to do this as well.  Again, he saved himself for Craig.   “Let’s duck into your alley here and I’ll show you.  It won’t take long, and I’ll make it worth your while.”  As they entered the alley, he removed his sunglasses, putting them in his pocket.

Read more snippets here–


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8 thoughts on “Carl

  1. UH oh, quite the ominous tone to this! Effective excerpt…


  2. Thank you 🙂 Let’s just say that she won’t be leaving the alley anytime soon —


  3. Wow. You pack a lot of menace, emotions, and anticipation into this snippet. Good job!


  4. Did you say ‘victims’? Eep. Intriguing snippet, Kathy. 🙂


  5. Why yes I did–Carl usually heats up his victims’ blood by pleasuring them 🙂 very considerate for an elder vampire 🙂


  6. I love that he’s saving that for Carl.


  7. Yup, Carl’s in love–finally 🙂 craig better hurry and make up his mind though 🙂


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