He’s So Vein

Here’s a snippet from my WIP, in which Ninian marks one of his targets, preparing to reel the other in–

Ninian drew her wrist to his mouth one last time, snaking out his tongue and cleaning up the little runner of dried blood on her skin.

“Mmm, so delectable,” he murmured, releasing her with a smile.

Leah raised her head, strings of hair escaping from the tousled knot on top of her head and drifting round her face, only to get stuck in the droplets of sweat. Her eyes didn’t want to work, she couldn’t think, couldn’t hear anything or anyone but Ninian.

“Now, my dear, to business.” He folded his hands in front of him. “I need to you to watch and learn, and be your normal self when Ms. Hansen comes over here,” he told her. “I intend to keep her, and I need you to help me. You’ll see everything, you’ll know everything, but you won’t remember a bit of it.”

He smiled that deep, secret smile again.

“I need her to lure Carlo back.”

Read more Sunday Snippets here:

And meet my muse for Ninian ❤ninian

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8 thoughts on “He’s So Vein

  1. Ooh, shivery little excerpt there! Enjoyed it….


    1. Thanks ❤ even vampires have their bad boy components, eh?


  2. Intriguing. So many questions…


  3. Thanks, I’m glad you liked it ❤ Questions are usually answered in their own time 🙂


  4. He strikes me as a guy who’s up to no good.


  5. Ohhh, that’s putting it mildly 🙂 I don’t think Ninian is capable of good 🙂 You’re so right.


  6. Something not good is about to happen. Great snippet. 🙂


  7. Oh, you’re so right– and I’m glad you liked it 🙂


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