Continuing Sins

Here we have Ninian, who has just come from talking through Leah one last time, and is ready to prepare for the final confrontation with Carl, Craig, and Oz:

Ninian eased back into his body.

He’d felt momentary panic when he couldn’t quite remember where he’d left it, but relaxed, sure that it was where it always was; the inner chamber where he existed, where he worked.

Where Carlo would come to him. He reached over and brushed his fingers over Mary.

“Your sons are coming to get you, my dear,” he crooned. “Won’t they be pleased and surprised?”

She didn’t respond, of course; he really didn’t expect her to.

Come read more Snippets; something for every taste, even those as eclectic as Ninian’s:


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20 thoughts on “Continuing Sins

    1. He’s pretty amoral, our Ninian is 😦 Craig fears for his mother’s safety. Their little vampire triad lacks enough strength to vanquish him–so far, that is 🙂


  1. I love the idea that he couldn’t remember where he’d left his body!


    1. Thanks 🙂 I just thought of that on the spur of the moment 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooh so dark. Ninian feels oily. I/’m very interested to see where this goes next.


  3. Thanks; I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂 Ninian is indeed oily. My other vampires usually have some sort of redeeming quality. I haven’t found his yet.


  4. Well, that made me shudder.


    1. Oh, I love giving shivers 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ooo, intriguing and exciting!


    1. Oh, thank you ❤ I hope to have it done by mid-June 🙂


  6. Okay, now I have the shivers…


    1. Oh thank you–Ninian loves giving shivers, and so do I ❤


  7. Oooh, I’m intrigued. More please.


  8. All right, I’ll see what I can do 🙂 working hard ❤


  9. Eep! That’s creepy. Great snippet, Kathy. 🙂


  10. Thanks ❤ I lean toward creepy 🙂


  11. I’m wondering what happens if he forgets where he leaves his body. 😮


  12. He hasn’t yet; this is the first time. He has other things on his mind right now, I suppose 🙂 If Ninian ever DID forget, he’d just conjure up some help; maybe a demonic GPS of sorts.


  13. So creepy! Great snippet.


  14. Thank you so much 🙂 I was aiming for creepy–


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