Philadelphia Circle

May I introduce Silas Hart, my 50-something (in looks only, that is)  vampire whose roots were formed at the same time our country’s were. Here, he’s reminiscing about the old days–


I remember the clientele of my first pub back in the day; all we offered then was ale and whiskey. I had a serving girl to work the tables and I handled the bar. My wife had been weakened by childbirth, and she had died of congenital heart failure ten years before. Our only child had moved to England in the aftermath of his grief, taking his new wife with him and leaving me quite alone with my own sorrow. I remember the date perfectly, as would most of the history professors today. July 8, 1776. The day the Liberty Bell rang, announcing independence.

The day I was turned.


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16 thoughts on “Philadelphia Circle

  1. Thanks 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed it –always leave them wanting more, right? 🙂


    1. Why thank you 🙂 I had a feeling that might be effective –wait until you meet Silas’ sire–oh my 🙂


  2. I love those last two lines!


    1. Thank you so much 🙂 Silas is a bit of a snarkster, but he hasn’t let the passage of a mere fre centuries make him jaded 🙂


  3. What an intriguing snippet. I love those last two lines too


  4. Oh, you’re so nice 🙂 Thank you 🙂 Poor Silas–he does enjoy keeping his tread in the past and the present 🙂


  5. Awesome! I got chills at thought of his loss. Best wishes and Happy Writing!


  6. Loved the trip through his memories and I’m thrilled to see an ‘older’ vampire.


  7. Why thank you 🙂 I do try to vary my nightwalkers 🙂


  8. Love that introduction! Great scene!


  9. Thank you ❤ Silas is a unique individual for certain 🙂


    1. Thanks 🙂 I’m working on it ❤


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