Introducing Aiden

This snippet is a slight carryover from my Rainbow posting–for followers who are a little curious about Aiden :

Hello there. My name is Aidan Byrne, and I’m an American History II teacher at a small urban alternative college in Chicago.  I know, it’s pretty ironic that an Irishman should be teaching American History, isn’t it?  Most of my students are older teens and adults that dropped out back in the day, and need their night classes to get their GED and college credits.  They like me a lot, most of them.  Maybe it’s the accent, I don’t know. I don’t really want to tell them that I’m not as nice as I seem to be.  Then again, I’m good at having people think what I want them to think.  I’m good at connecting with the rebels, the bad apples.  I feel like I’m one of them.

My area of history starts with the end of the Civil War, and continues up to the end of the Sixties era.  My students like the way I put a personal spin on the subject.  I talk about the past like I have a real connection to it.

That’s because I lived it.

Let’s just say I don’t look my age.  I appear to be in my late twenties, and my curling black hair almost touches my shoulders, which technically is a violation of the dress code here.  But if I cut it, it would always grow back right away, so it would be a waste.

I’m one of those black Irishmen.  When you’re like me, you don’t have to have the face of a god, all you need is the attitude, the sexy accent, and lots of cash.  Vampire eyes help too.  I’m too good at my job for my bosses to give me any grief about any of it, though.

Read more Snippets here:

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6 thoughts on “Introducing Aiden

  1. I like the way he describes himself. He sounds like someone I’d probably like (but he’s good at having people think what he wants them to think).


  2. Ohhh yes, he does indeed 🙂 I’m glad you liked it 🙂


  3. An intriguing character right from the start!


    1. Thanks! I tried to make him intriguing. I’ll be editing this one for pubbling in a few months 🙂


  4. Somehow I seem to have missed realizing he’s a vampire. Great description.


  5. Well, I didn’t make it too obvious in the Rainbow snippet–so I felt I owed a little more. Now you know what Marco has to look forward to 🙂 I’m glad you liked it ❤ thanks 🙂


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