Chicago Circle

Here’s a snippet from my third volume in the City Circle stories–Marco has finally gotten up the nerve to tell his adult night school teacher how he feels, but–he doesn’t realize that the sexy Irishman has a secret of his own–

“Mr. Byrne, have you ever noticed how some of the girls and women in the class look at you when they think you’re not noticing?”

“Yes, Marco, I have, and I try to ignore it, really.  Most of the time, it’s the accent and the lure of someone young, foreign and forbidden, I suppose.”

He looked in my eyes again, suddenly bold.

“I look at you that way when I think you don‘t see, when you‘re busy doing something else.  I think some of the students know.  I’m sorry, sir–I can’t help how I feel, you’re only five years older than I am, it’s not too far out, it could happen–”.

Read more snippets here:

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18 thoughts on “Chicago Circle

  1. I love the way he brings up that he looks at him the same way the young women do.


    1. Thanks 🙂 If only poor Marco knew what he was getting into–


  2. Aw, poor love! 🙂


  3. Our Marco has had a hard time of it lately–Aiden might try to help him with that ❤


  4. Aww, I hope “sir” reacts favourably 🙂


    1. “Sir” shall, although he’ll try to restrain himself 🙂 Marco has no clue yet who or what Aiden really is ❤


  5. Thanks so much for the lovely complement 🙂


  6. I really like how he broaches the subject.


  7. Thank you so much 🙂 Marco hasn’t had the easiest of lives, and he sees the opportunity to maybe start up something with Aiden. He has no idea what he might be getting into ❤


  8. There’s nothing like just coming out and saying it. I hope Marco doesn’t live to regret it. A lovely snippet that really gives a sense of their relationship and Marco’s awkwardness.


  9. Thank you so much 🙂 Marco might indeed regret it somewhat, but–Aiden makes it up to him ❤


  10. Yes, yes…it could happen! 😀


  11. Oh yes, it definitely could 🙂


  12. He is, very brave–and this is even before he knows what Aiden really is…


  13. I love how brave he is to just say it


  14. Our Marco is brave indeed 🙂 I’m glad you liked it 🙂


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